
13 Questions with Amanda Chambers, Speech Language Pathologist, 物理医学


Meet Amanda Chambers, Speech Language Pathologist at Day Kimball医疗保健 Center in Danielson. 作为一名语言病理学家, she spends her days evaluating and treating a variety of communication disorders including speech, 语言, 的声音, 流利(结巴), 吞咽, and cognition to help improve her patients’ quality of life.

Amanda shared she finds gratification in witnessing a patient use their communication skills to ask for something or tell a story to a family member and seeing the pride and happiness that both individuals have. “I also enjoy being able to provide a patient with a cookie or ice cream that they can safely swallow and to see their happiness in that they can have something enjoyable,阿曼达说。.

Amanda was raised in a small New England town at the base of Okemo Mountain in 鲁上校,佛蒙特州 where she grew up snowboarding and skiing since the age of five. It turns out she was quite the athlete throughout high school. 作为一项三项运动(足球), 篮球, 垒球运动员, Amanda was a member of six state championship teams three years in a row.

She attended the University of Connecticut from 2010-2014. 在那里,阿曼达选修了一门课程, “传播科学与障碍导论”, which inspired her to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences. Amanda continued her education at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY where she earned a Master of Science in Education in Communication Sciences and Disorders. She holds a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and is Lee Silverman Voice Therapy Certified.

In 2016, Amanda moved to Taftville, CT to live with her college sweetheart, 安德鲁. After working for a few years in a skilled nursing facility, Amanda was seeking a change which she discovered at DKH in October 2018. Turns out the Quiet Corner has a lot in common with 鲁上校,佛蒙特州 and felt like home.

When asked why she likes practicing at DKH, Amanda said, “I like the family atmosphere here. Everyone knows everyone which reminds me of being at home in Ludlow. I also like that I get to work in a variety of settings from outpatient to inpatient and with both pediatric and geriatric patients.”

Getting to know Amanda, you quickly realize that she’s quick witted. 在她的业余时间, 人们经常在健身房看到她, 读一本好书, 烘焙, or going to Vermont or Pennsylvania to visit family and friends. She would never turn down coffee or chocolate or the chance to sport a crazy hat at the Kentucky Derby.

Read on to learn more about Amanda in this edition of 13 Questions.

1.我成长于: 鲁上校,佛蒙特州 

2.你的歌单上有谁? A little bit of everything, but my favorite is Aerosmith!

3.你最喜欢的电影是什么? 精灵. 每年圣诞节我都会看十遍! 

4.你最喜欢什么颜色? 紫色的.

5.你读的最后一本书是什么? 橱窗里的女人. 我喜欢悬疑小说!  

6.谁是你的英雄? 我奶奶是一位85岁的年轻奶农. She is the kindest and hardest working lady I know. She had 6 children and adopted 2 and has 18 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren. My grandma always puts family first and emphasizes that it is the time we spend with each other that is the most important. She has taught me kindness, compassion, and how to treat everyone like family. My grandma is always ready to go on an adventure, whether it is a cruise or just going out to dinner. She has taught me to live every day to the fullest and to never be upset with the small stuff; she also taught me how to love the Pats! 

7.养不养宠物? (如果有的话,请说出名字.) 坦克! 我真是个狗妈. We adopted 坦克 through Save One Soul in Rhode Island. He lived in Texas but was transferred to Rhode Island following Hurricane Harvey. We were looking to get a dog and saw his picture online and a video of him running and playing with a pinecone. 那时我就知道他会是我们的好搭档. 

8.在你的遗愿清单上列出一些事情. 戴着一顶疯狂的帽子去看肯塔基赛马! 

9.你的“最爱”安慰食物是什么? 这是咖啡和巧克力之间的平局.

10.智能手机、平板电脑或台式电脑? 智能手机!

11.人们会惊讶地发现: I went to a small public high school and graduated with 19 kids in my class! 

12.What’s your current health focus (for you personally)? 我又开始跑步了. I am planning to run a 5k for my first time ever this summer.

13.What’s your favorite place in northeast Connecticut? 康州大学! I was at UConn from 2010-2014 and saw many National Championships. It’s where I made lifelong friends and met by boyfriend of 6 years, 安德鲁. 安德鲁, 原产于宾夕法尼亚州, and I both lived in the Pre-Pharmacy Learning Community (I was a pre-pharm major for the first year). He is currently a pharmacist for a nearby healthcare facility. We enjoy planning fantasy football and going to breweries together.

Top: Amanda Chambers with her boyfriend of 6 years, 安德鲁.
Middle: Amanda’s dog, 坦克, who was adopted from Save One Soul in Rhode Island.
Bottom: Amanda and her Grandma who she describes as her hero who taught her how to love the Pats.


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