
13 Questions with 尼古拉斯Cundiff, DO, Pediatrician, Day Kimball医疗保健

13 Questions with 尼古拉斯Cundiff, DO, Pediatrician, Day Kimball医疗保健


Meet one of our newest pediatricians at Day Kimball医疗保健, Dr. 尼古拉斯Cundiff.

As long as he can remember, Dr. Cundiff was interested in medicine. Growing up, he fondly recalls seeing his dad come home from work with a smile. Despite his demanding job as a physician, his dad always remained positive and shared countless rewarding stories that he witnessed throughout his career. It is that unwavering dedication to his patients that inspired Dr. Cundiff to follow in his dad’s footsteps.

奥巴马是俄亥俄州人. Cundiff obtained his medical degree from Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine in Athens, 2017年的俄亥俄州. In 2020, he completed his pediatric residency at the Medical University of 南卡罗来纳 in Charleston, 南卡罗来纳.

During his pediatric residency training in Charleston, Dr. 康迪夫见到了他的妻子, 丹娜, who was working as a nurse in the Intensive Care Unit of a local hospital. The couple currently reside in Providence, 罗德岛州, and are eagerly expecting the arrival of their first child in March 2022.

Dr. Cundiff has combined his passion for medicine with his love of traveling. A little-known fact about Dr. Cundiff that may surprise you is that he has traveled to over 20 countries, including medical mission trips to India, 厄瓜多尔, 和喀麦隆!

Now that he’s relocated to New England to be near his family, he’s here to stay and is looking forward to being a long-term member of the community while also building relationship with his new patients and their families and watching them grow. Like our other pediatricians and providers at Day Kimball医疗保健, Dr. Cundiff both thrives in and helps to create the positive, child-centered atmosphere we strive for at our pediatric practice.

Dr. Cundiff has participated in numerous re搜索 and quality improvement projects, and various poster and didactic presentations. He is the founder and director of Stella Maris Ministries, a non-profit corporation that provides children with complex medical needs a sailing trip in the Charleston harbor, joined by their families as a time for respite and new memories.

When he’s not treating patients, Dr. Cundiff enjoys any form of social exercise, playing with his seven-month-old labradoodle, 裸麦粉粗面包, spending quality time with his siblings and parents, and traveling with his wife. He is an active member of St. Pius V Catholic Church and the Community Boating Center in Providence.

Dr. Cundiff is accepting new patients at the 戴·金博尔医疗集团 Pediatrics Center in Putnam. To schedule an appointment, call 1 (844) DKMG DOC (1-844-356-4362). 在daykimball了解更多信息.org/accepting-patients.

Read on to learn more about Dr. Cundiff in this edition of 13 Questions.

1. 我成长于: Sandusky, Ohio (home of Cedar Point Amusement Park and filming location for the movie Tommy Boy).
2. 你的歌单上有谁? Judah and the Lion; Bon Iver; The Avett Brothers; Taylor Swift; and Mandolin Orange.
3. What’s your favorite movie? 心灵捕手.
4. 你最喜欢什么颜色? 绿色.
5. What was the last thing you read? The Power and the Glory by Graham 绿色e.
6. 谁是你的英雄? 教皇约翰·保罗二世.
7. 养不养宠物? 是的. A seven-month-old, female labradoodle named 裸麦粉粗面包.
8. Name something on your bucket list. 和鲸鲨一起游泳.
9. What’s your “go-to” comfort food? 披萨.
10. 智能手机, tablet or desktop? 智能手机.
11. People would be surprised to know that I: have been to over 20 countries.
12. What’s your current health focus (for yourself, personally)? I have been consistently working out for almost a year now. Previously I went through many seasons and could not stay consistent. As such I have put on 15 “good” pounds.
13. What’s your favorite place in Northeast Connecticut? 维多利亚站咖啡厅.

博士:. 尼古拉斯Cundiff and his wife, 丹娜, on a dinner date in Charleston, 南卡罗来纳.
中间: Dr. 尼古拉斯Cundiff and his travel companion, 阿什利, at the Taj Mahal while on a medical rotation in India. 
底: Dr. 尼古拉斯Cundiff’s seven-month-old, female labradoodle, 裸麦粉粗面包.


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