
Jennifer 爱死 RN, BSN, MSN, 导演 of Operations & Quality for Day Kimball医疗保健 at 首页, Honored with 2023 Judith Hriceniak Award for Excellence in Nursing Leadership

Jennifer 爱死 RN, BSN, MSN, 导演 of Operations & Quality for Day Kimball医疗保健 at 首页, Honored with 2023 Judith Hriceniak Award for Excellence in Nursing Leadership


Jennifer 爱死 RN, BSN, MSN, 导演 of Operations & Quality for Day Kimball医疗保健 (DKH) at 首页, was recently honored with the 2023 Judith Hriceniak Award for Excellence in Nursing Leadership by the Connecticut Association for Healthcare at 首页.

The Hriceniak Award recognizes registered nurses who demonstrate excellence in nursing leadership. To receive the prestigious award, a nursing supervisor or CEO must serve as a visionary role model in the development and implementation of innovative projects that positively affect the ever-changing home care and hospice environment.

The awardee must show creativity, high energy and inspire others by creating an environment that fosters staff development and life-long learning. Award recipients must achieve a high level of clinical expertise and collaborate with groups or individuals within the community.

While this recognition is given out at their annual conference, 爱死 was unable to attend this year. Instead, Connecticut Association for Healthcare at 首页 总统 & CEO, Tracy Wodatch, and 导演 of Membership & Education Courtney Verissimo, made the trip to Putnam to surprise Jenn and present her with the award. 

“This recognition underscores Jenn’s exceptional leadership, her contributions to home care services in Northeast Connecticut, and her commitment to her staff and the community,蕾妮·史密斯说, 副总统, 急症后服务, Day Kimball医疗保健. “Due to Jenn’s strong leadership and guidance, the staff and agency are making a positive impact in the community by ensuring that individuals receive the best care possible in the comfort of their own homes.”

爱死, with nearly 23 years at DKH at 首页, has worked in various roles, including nurse case manager, 摄入协调员, 临床经理. Since coming into her role as 导演 of Operations & Quality she has demonstrated her leadership by advocating for all aspects of the agency, from direct patient care to developing a successful budget that will assure the agency can continue to be fiscally responsible.

In response to having been selected as the award recipient, 爱说, “I am so grateful to our Day Kimball医疗保健 at 首页 team for nominating me for this award and to the CT Association for Healthcare at 首页 for selecting me to be the recipient. 每一天, I am inspired by my team who gives their all in support of our patients, 我们的代理, 彼此之间. I am truly humbled and thankful to each of you.”  

The 首页Care program offers nursing, 治疗, and home health aide services for patients with both acute and chronic health conditions; Hospice and Palliative Care provides care for individuals and families coping with terminal and life-limiting illnesses; and Day Kimball 首页Makers provides personal care, 家政, 陪伴, 24小时的护理, 同居的护理人员, and a day program for individuals with dementia. 一起工作, the three in-home service lines collaborate to ensure safe and seamless transitions of care, both within and outside the Day Kimball医疗保健 system.

Jennifer 爱死 RN, BSN, MSN, 导演 of Operations & Quality for Day Kimball医疗保健 at 首页 (center) receives the 2023 Judith Hriceniak Award for Excellence in Nursing Leadership by the Connecticut Association for Healthcare at 首页 with (l to r) Donna Hendrickson, Administrative Assistant DKH at 首页; Dr. 马丁Durtschi, 副总统, Medical Affairs and Quality DKH; John O'Keefe, Chief Nursing Officer and 副总统, 耐心的服务 DKH; Michelle Gardner, 摄入 & 外联协调, Day Kimball 首页Makers; Renee Smith, 副总统, 急症后服务, DKH; David Hooper, Clinical Infomatics Specialist, DKH at 首页; Erica Alexander, 临终关怀项目经理, DKH at 首页; Kim Durand, 首页 Health Clinical Manager, DKH at 首页; April Stevens, 导演, Quality and Regulatory Affairs, DKH; Dr. 理查德Wilcon, 总统, Medical Staff DKH; Valerie Espeleta, Health 信息 Coordinator for DKH at 首页.


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