
核磁共振成像 and MRA Frequently Asked Questions



高场核磁共振成像提供于 戴金宝医院普莱恩菲尔德医疗中心.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (核磁共振成像) is a diagnostic test that promotes early detection of developing diseases and abnormalities. Doctors employ this non-invasive technique to see inside the human body in great detail without the use of radiation.

核磁共振成像使用一种安全但强大的磁铁, radio waves (the same kind that transmits FM music) and a computer system. The result - crystal-clear pictures of your internal organs, joints, brain or spine.

For more information about 核磁共振成像, view the 核磁共振成像 Frequently Asked Questions (below). 你亦可浏览 中央社报道.com 搜索“核磁共振成像”."


高场MRA报价为 戴金宝医院,而在 普莱恩菲尔德医疗中心.

Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) is a type of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (核磁共振成像). It provides detailed images of blood vessels without the use of catheters or surgery. 和核磁共振成像一样,核磁共振成像安全无痛.

A contrast agent called gadolinium is often used during MRA to make blood vessels more clearly visible in the pictures.

For more information about MRA, view the MRA Frequently Asked Questions (below). 你亦可浏览 中央社报道.com 搜索“MRA”."



Magnetic Resonance Imaging (核磁共振成像) is a diagnostic test that promotes early detection of developing diseases and abnormalities. Doctors employ this non-invasive technique to see inside the human body in great detail without X-rays.

核磁共振成像使用一种安全但强大的磁铁, radio waves (the same kind that transmits FM music) and a computer system. The result - crystal-clear pictures of your internal organs, joints, brain or spine.

Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) is a type of 核磁共振成像. It provides detailed images of blood vessels without the use of catheters or surgery. 和核磁共振成像一样,核磁共振成像安全无痛.
A contrast agent called gadolinium is often used during MRA to make blood vessels more clearly visible in the pictures.


What are the benefits of having an 核磁共振成像/MRA performed?

核磁共振成像 is often a complementary procedure to other diagnostic exams, 比如x射线, PET/CT扫描或核医学. 核磁共振成像 test results can provide insightful information that would not otherwise be seen to the naked eye. As a result, 核磁共振成像 can serve as an early detector of developing diseases and abnormalities.

MRA can detect problems with the blood vessels that may be causing reduced blood flow. With MRA, both the blood flow and the condition of the blood vessel walls can be seen.


How should I prepare for an 核磁共振成像/MRA exam?

请参阅我们的 准备指南 考试前.



Yes, you can bring your favorite CD, iPods or MP3 players. Our staff will play it through our stereo system, so you can listen to your own music through our 核磁共振成像-safe headphones during the exam.

如果你不想带CD, you can select one of our FM radio stations to listen to during your scan.



戴金宝医院 在 普莱恩菲尔德医疗中心 offers a State of the Art high-field open 核磁共振成像 for claustrophobic patients.

Inform your referring physician if you have ever experienced claustrophobia. If necessary, medication can be prescribed before your appointment. Please note that medication is not available on-site. 也, 如果你接受了药物治疗, bring someone with you who can drive you home, because you will not be able to drive yourself.

When you arrive for the exam, discuss your claustrophobia with your 核磁共振成像 technologist. He or she can provide music and prism glasses to reduce your anxiety.


What are the weight limits for your equipment?

Factors such as a patient's body weight, 身体体质, and scan type may determine whether or not the scan can be performed. The weight limits for our 核磁共振成像 equipment is 500 pounds.


An 核磁共振成像 technologist under the supervision of a radiologist (a doctor who assists in your medical diagnosis by interpreting the scans) will perform your scan.

当你到达你的约会, you'll be greeted by a receptionist and asked a series of questions. 一旦进入扫描室, the technologist will ask you to lie down on a cushioned table, which will automatically move into the magnet after you have been comfortably positioned. 磁铁两端都是开着的. Your technologist will stay in contact with you throughout the exam via an intercom system.

When the 核磁共振成像 scan begins, you will hear a muffled thumping sound that will last for several minutes. (This is when the scanner takes its pictures.) You may also feel a slight vibration, which is normal. Just relax - even take a nap - but you must lie as still as possible since any movement can distort the images.

Other than sound and a slight vibration, you should experience no other sensation during scanning. When scanning is complete, the technologist will return to help you off the table.

对于某些研究, the injection of a contrast agent called gadolinium may be necessary to help better visualize the area being examined. Unlike contrast agents used in other radiological studies, gadolinium does not contain iodine and therefore rarely causes allergic reactions or side effects.



The average 核磁共振成像 scan takes 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the type of scan your doctor ordered.



Once your scan is complete, you may resume normal activities and diet.



Your referring physician will receive the results within 24 hours and will then contact you to discuss the findings. Your doctor can make arrangements with us if your results are needed urgently.
